Youth Employment

Economically Empowering Youth

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Participants learn about basic mechanics during a Youth Employment workshop.

The WHISCA Youth Employment Program mobilizes youth to come together and build the skills needed to succeed economically in their communities. 

Youth meet weekly at the Centre to participate in a range of activities that develop their communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.

Addressing Widespread Unemployment

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Youth unemployment in Kenya continues to increase every year.

Without work or programs that encourage economic empowerment, young people become vulnerable to corrupting forces like political and tribal manipulation.

  • Livestock and Crop Farming as an Enterprise

  • Environmental Conservation Tactics

  • Basic Financial Literacy

  • Mechanics

  • Creative Expression

 Participants learn about:

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Micro-Enterprise Projects

Two participants show off the paintings they’ve made during a Youth Employment workshop.

Youth participants have the opportunity to create their own small business projects that put their creativity and new skills into action.

A micro-lending fund provides seed funding that youth groups can access to start and grow their small businesses. Projects range from purchasing seeds for a small plot to buying art supplies to make and sell art.

All proceeds raised through these projects goes right back into the program where they replenish the micro-lending fund.

Eradicate Youth Unemployment

WHISCA depends on donations to run programs like Youth Employment.

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